Throughout the athletic seasons, our Dragon student athletes are faced with a number of challenges. One of these challenges is the physical toll athletics takes on the body due to injury and soreness. At GCS, the Athletics Department supports our student athletes through our use of rehabilitation exercises and treatment modalities, led by our Athletic Trainer, Carlos Negron. As we look to provide the most up-to-date care, the Athletic Department is looking to upgrade our Electrical Stimulation and Ultrasound Machine. What does this machine do and how does it benefit our student athletes, you ask? Electrical stimulation provides temporary pain relief for the patient, allowing them to perform strengthening and range of motion exercises, including stretching, free from pain. Electrical stimulation can also be used to reeducate muscle activity post-surgery and promote blood flow to reduce swelling and encourage healing. Ultrasound is also used to promote healing by increasing blood flow and introducing heat to soft tissue.