Project H

Michael's Scafell Pike walk

Michael Hearn,Trustee for ProjectH after a knee op and returning to normality is looking to raise money for Project H by walking on the 07th September 2024 up Scafell Pike in the Lake District All money raised will go towards the charity Project H
raised of £2,000 target
RCN 1183626

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I am a registered Paramedic, Medical Teacher and Trustee for Project H. Last year I finally had my knee replaced and continued soon after to mobilise and return to work. My walking has improved and after completing many virtual walking challanges I decided to use this to physically walk the Scafell Pike in aid of a charity so dear to my heart (no pun intended)

Knowing a sudden cardiac arrest survivor and my own father passing away from a heart related issue and knowing the chances of survival increase so dramatically through these amazing pieces of technology. I work with other great people in getting these machines out there, training provided and maintainance carried out.

All of this requires money and to raise some will be an honour for who knows when cardiac arrest will hit and on who? Lets get as many of these out and running as possible.

About the charity

Project H

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1183626
We work with communities to provide defibrillators and training plus essential equipment to enhance the health and safety requirements for their autonomous existence

Donation summary

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