Crossroads needs your help to support vulnerable carers throughout the COVID-19 global pandemic.
There are over 10,000 carers living in the Isle of Man, and around 1,000 young carers, who provide unpaid care and support to a family member, friend, partner or neighbour whose health and well-being would suffer without their help. This could be due to illness, disability, frailty, a mental health issue or addiction or substance misuse problems. A carer can be a person of any age, from a child to an adult. Carers may care for more than one person, and some themselves have a disability or illness.
3 in 5 people will become a carer at some point in their life, sometimes more than once.
For carers, the Coronavirus emergency has made an already difficult situation even harder.
Many carers are facing more pressure than ever before as they try to navigate their usual caring responsibilities with obstacles such as not being able to get to the shop or access their usual respite services. This can have a knock-on effect on the people they care for.
We are determined to play our part in helping our islands most vulnerable people and are asking you to help us support local carers throughout this crisis.
£5 can go towards transport costs.
£10 can help purchase food for a carer.
£25 can provide one hour of care for a carer and the person they care for, providing much needed respite.
Crossroads is currently losing around 50% of its usual monthly income, and this is undoubtedly putting pressure on us. We cannot currently fundraise as normal and have had to temporarily close our three charity shops. We are also losing income from our paid services including our nursery and day services.
Your donation to will go straight towards our Carers Support Fund which will help us keep things running and will provide a sense of normality to our carers. We will be able to use your donation to provide more support to our carers and offer additional services such as food shopping, collecting and delivering prescriptions, and picking up essential items at no additional cost to our carers.
Thank you.