We are issuing an emergency appeal, asking members of the public to support the homeless people in our services.
Your help will keep homeless people fed, housed, supported and safe.
The cost of Coronavirus on our services is currently at £41,000/ fortnight.
We do not have that sort of money.
With your help we can keep our services running.
Your donation will go towards;
- Basic food supplies
- Additional cleaning products for beneficiaries and our services
- Medicine and thermometers
- Costs of temporary staff so we can still provide vital support to those in our accommodation whilst other staff are having to isolate
- Cost of additional sick pay so we can keep our staff fully supported when they are unable to work
- Technology to support those who are having to self-isolate and don't have a phone/ computer/tv/data
We run on tight budgets. We do not have additional funds to cover the increase in costs we are now facing.
Our priority is keeping the homeless people in our services and our staff safe and supported.
Thank you for your support. It is incredible to see that during these times, the community is reaching out to help the most vulnerable in our society.
Please do all take care and follow government guidelines. The more we can reduce the spread of the virus the better for all of us.
Warmest wishes, all at Evolve