The Coronavirus outbreak has left many people across Greater Manchester struggling for access to food, basics and other support. Many of them are self-isolating, often in fragile health and alone.
Public services have been working hard to find and help them, but we know they are over-stretched and working round the clock.
So the Manchester Evening News and the Greater Manchester Mayor's Charity have launched Covaid-19 - a fundraiser aimed at supporting those who most need help, from elderly people with no support network to homeless families living in hotels.
We know not everybody will be able to afford to donate at the moment, with times tight for many of us.
But for anyone who can, a donation of even a small amount will make a difference.
The money will be distributed via the mayor of Greater Manchester's charity. This usually focuses on helping the homeless, but during the pandemic is launching a new campaign to raise money to help all those who may be vulnerable as a result.
A huge thank you to everyone who has donated so far, including Suez Waste Management who have contributed a fantastic £50,000.00