From litter picking and gardening to organising all sorts of community activities and events (including the wonderful CoCoMAD) the Friends of Cotteridge Park are the volunteers who look after our park.
We have been working and planning hard over a number of years to build an indoor space to make our park even more welcoming and accessible for everyone.
Since its earliest days the park has had indoor facilities - we had a Sons of Rest building, a bowling club house and toilets, but these were sadly all demolished in the last 25 years.
The most common comment from park users is that they would love to be able to stay longer in the park. Toilets, hot drinks and indoor seating, will make that easier.
I really enjoy visiting Cotteridge Park; I wish I could spend the whole day there. I like taking friends and family to explore the marvellous - and free - open space near my home, but I'm also aware that inviting younger and older family members means I have to think more about baby changing or where to get a cup of tea. Facilities like a cafe and toilets would allow us to spend more time enjoying the fresh air and beautiful scenery that the park offers. Laura
Having an indoor building will mean even if the Tai Chi group gets rained off - we can still all meet up and have a natter. Avril
We've got planning permission, a lease from the council and we've raised most of the construction money from grants and charitable trusts.
That's where you lovely people come in. We know how much our park is loved, because you tell us. As volunteers we have the privilege of meeting many of you every day as you take a walk through the park, hunt giant leaves in Forest School, meet up with others for a run, relax with Tai Chi, or just hang out in the play area.
And we know that you're going to love our park even more when we have the facilities for a cup of tea, wet weather sanctuary, or just a wee.
We need your help to raise the final £30,000 to complete the internal fit out the building - the kitchen, furniture and toilets.
Please donate what you can via this page. We promise everything donated through here will go directly to the project - investing in the future of the park.
Anything you can give, whether it's £1 or £1000 will help us get closer to our goal.
And if you feel like organising a fundraising event let us know and we'll help. You can use this JustGiving campaign to collect donations.
If you can't donate money, we have plenty of volunteer opportunities year-round, and you can really help by sharing this page with your friends, colleagues and family on social media.
All the designs and plans, consultation feedback, Q&A about the building, history of buildings in the park, and more, can be found on our website: