"What this global crisis is showing and proving time and time again is just how vital these community hospitals are to our wider community, ordinarily day to day but with these challenging times they have become completely invaluable." Cornwall Blood Bikes
The coronavirus has quickly changed all of our lives, but many of us have the option to stay in the safety of our own homes.
Our incredible frontline NHS staff are working tirelessly every day, risking their lives and putting others before themselves, to continue to serve communities throughout Cornwall, in many cases leaving their families behind for long periods of time.
Never has the need been greater to support our brave NHS staff. We want to give something back to our healthcare heroes by raising funds for things that will make their lives a little easier during this crisis.
Please donate today to support frontline workers across our Cornish communities. Generous and kind people like you will help to make a real difference at this challenging and unprecedented time.
Funds raised may enable us to purchase hand creams, lip balms and barrier creams for staff who are suffering with sore dry skin from harsh alcohol gels and friction caused by their uncomfortable but potentially life-saving PPE; a grocery box so they don't have to face the poorly stocked supermarkets after a long shift; an extra hot meal; a welfare package to help support their emotional wellbeing, or a special thank you to let them know just how much we appreciate their hard work and dedication through the toughest of times.
Please donate whatever you can afford to give and leave a message of appreciation or encouragement to make a key worker's day! Thank you.