For over 20 years, Cornerstone Cafe has been at the heart of Plaistow, serving the community. As well as delicious cakes and great coffee, Cornerstone has offered a friendly face, a listening ear and at its heart, a safe space open to anyone and everyone.
On top of that, Cornerstone has been at the core of a whole range of exciting youth and community projects.
In the past they have included regular groups for boys and girls, a knitting group, and other events.
More recently they have included Olders' Group (our bi-weekly group for 13-18 year-olds), craft and faith sessions, a community choir, warm hours, chatty cafe, a little free food pantry and more...
Across everything that goes on, Cornerstone exists to support the community.
And now we need your support
Cornerstone is an old building and is in dire need of redevelopment. We want to continue working in the community but this is only possible if a major redevelopment can be made. That is where you come in. Cornerstone has never been for profit, and as such, doesn't have the money to cover the costs of redevelopment.
We are asking you to support us and help make Cornerstone even better. Redevelopments are an opportunity to make exciting improvements and with your help we want to make Cornerstone more accessible, more flexible and better equipped to continue our work in Plaistow.
Small but mighty
Cornerstone has never been a big building but that has never stopped us using to its upmost and providing support to so many.
Big or small, your donation will be greatly appreciated.
Plus, if you are a UK tax payer, you can add Gift Aid to your donation and the Government will give us 25p for every £1 you give.
Get Creative
We're not just looking for people to donate, we are also looking for people to get involved in fundraising.
From sponsored challenges (run, walk, swim, cycle, shave of all your hair) to hosting events (quiz, concert, games night) or even providing a service (music lessons, charity sale, donate part of your business's profits), fundraising can take many forms and is open to everyone.
All you have to do is choose your event/activity, click the 'Start Fundraising' button, fill in the details and you will be ready to go.
Thank You
So, whether you have enjoyed an insightful chat over tea and cake, tested out your singing at our Open Mics or Choir, had a child at one of our groups or events, or just want to support our vision for the community, please donate or set up a fundraiser and help Cornerstone reach its exciting future.
Your support is much appreciated.