Not everyone is able to get out and do a run for charity so for those who are self-isolating, those who are ill, disabled, or who prefer something more creative .. get out your colouring pens, felt pens, paints or simply download and colour in on your computer. We want to see what amazing creations you can come up with and we have provided a couple of templates for you to choose from though you are free of course, to make your own! Click the banner image gallery above to choose one.
For every picture you share, please donate a minimum of £2 to our cause and then tag/share with 5 other people to do the same. We want to see your artwork whilst raising much needed funds for breast cancer treatments, clinical trials and cancer research for the NHS.
Take a photo of yourself holding your creation, or tag us into a copy of your #colourforcancer masterpiece and we will share on our Instagram account @bootoutbreastcancer, Twitter account at @bootoutbc, or Facebook - so make sure you give us a follow/like!
You dont have to wait to be tagged by a friend or family member to get involved. Simply download a picture and get started! You can be the first one in your trail to start this project going viral.
All proceeds, will be used to fund the Boot Out Breast Cancer Outreach Project. Every one on the team are 100% volunteers, and EVERY PENNY raised goes towards the cause.