Urgent appeal: Children are freezing.
Winter has hit in Moldova - a blizzard hit us yesterday, with temperatures expected to plummet to as low as -20 degrees centigrade, and with many thousands of families across Moldova unable to afford wood, clothing and food, there is a race against time to get as many of them warm coats.
Urgent donations are needed, will you help a child?
Whilst children in the West eagerly await Christmas, for many across Europe, it will be a time of survival, enduring the most unimaginable circumstances.
Houses both in Moldova and Ukraine are ill equipped for sub-zero conditions, and far from being warm and cosy, they will be using coke-bottles filled with hot water to act as hot-water-bottles, which is dangerous and will put as many clothes on as they can, and stay in bed waiting for the winter to pass.
Imagine spending your childhood like this? Your donation can change this for a child.
There are currently more than 100,000 Ukrainian refugees residing in Moldova, a country that is still ill-equipped to support them.
More than 2,000 of them live in temporary shelters, or RAC's (refugee accommodation centres) which are cold and empty places, coats are needed to keep children warm.
On top of Ukraine, following February's devasting earthquake, there are more than 2,500 children who lost either one or both parents. Those same children are living in tents, facing an uncertain future.
Pictured below are some of the Hope4 team organisaing help in refugee camps.
So, we want to take care of 7,500 children this winter, from across Moldova, Ukraine and Turkey, with your support we can do that.
We welcome you to be a part of this ambitious plan - as you consider everything you're going to buy this year, would you give hope to thousands of children who won't be getting presents this year, they'll just be surviving.
Here is a list of items you can help buy this winter:
100% of your donations will go directly to this mission, keeping children warm this winter.
Thank you for helping a child sleep better, and not feel freezing this winter.
We've been asked how corporates can be involved in Hope4 over the years and if your team would like to come together, £1,500 would be able to buy 100 winter coats.
£7.50 Hot water bottle to help a child stay warm at night
We will contact every person who donates with an update, and we will continue to update the page.
Thank you so much for supporting us and joining us, together #WeareHope4