This Ramadhan give a gift of water to those in need by providing them with fresh safe drinking water. Nearly one billion people have no access to safe drinking water, One of every five deaths of children under the age of 5 is due to a water-related disease. Close to 80% of illness in developing nations is believed to be connected to poor water and sanitation issues, you can help change these numbers and change the lives of communities for many years to come.
The Cost of a Water Hand Pump is £150, for a Deep Water Hand pump the cost will be £750
A £150 hand water pump will be installed into a home of a poor and needy family, Zakah may be used for this pump.
A £750 deep water pump is placed in an open communal area and can be used by many people. zakah can NOT be used for this pump.
Did you know that by you supporting this project it can also become an excellent form of sadaqah Jaariyah for you and loved ones (including those who have passed away), as both you and the recipient continue reaping rewards as long as the project is bringing benefit to people, animals and crops?
Sad ibn Ubadah reported: He said, O Messenger of Allah, the mother of Sad has died, so what is the best charity I may give on her behalf? The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, Water. Sad dug a well and he said, This is for the mother of Sad.
[Abu Dawud]