Kidasha improves the lives of children living in extreme urban poverty in Nepal, a country known for its dramatic landscapes and rich culture. Despite Nepal's high profile as a tourist destination, few realise that it is one of the poorest countries in the world, with 1 in 4 living on less than $0.50 a day.
This year marks the 70th Anniversary of the first-ever ascent of Mt Everest. The #ClimbForKidasha challenge celebrates this amazing achievement while raising awareness and vital funds for children living in urban poverty in Nepal, home to Everest.
We're asking friends near and far to take on the #ClimbForKidasha challenge by climbing 8,848 meters, the equivalent elevation gain to reach the summit of Mt Everest. Every penny raised will help the most disadvantaged Nepali children have safer and brighter futures
We want to get as many people from across the globe involved as possible to show the children of Nepal that they are not forgotten.
Take part as a team, combining your elevation gains to reach your goal, or take on an individual challenge to give yourself some me time. You can use local peaks, stairs at home or work, local landmarks or even cycle. It's up to you!
Register to take part here or by emailing to get a Free T-Shirt, digital fundraising pack, help setting up your online donation page and support throughout your journey. We'll also help spread the word to keep you motivated and help you reach both your elevation and fundraising goals.
More info available from our website:
See #ClimbForKidasha resources here.