At Simon Community Scotland we do the very best we can to provide information, support and care for people experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness.
We always strive to give comfort, hope and dignity. This year, 2021, we will have helped over 6,000 people.
Sometimes, the people we support have literally nothing but the clothes on their back.
Every time we support someone experiencing homelessness into emergency, temporary or supported accommodation, or into a new permanent home to call their own, we provide an individually tailored care pack.
A little box of essentials and some nice goodies, tailored to individual needs.
(A care pack we provided when we supported a young person, as an emergency into supported accommodation through our Nightstop project.)
So, this Christmas, were asking for your support to help us provide care packs to everyone we support, over the festive period and throughout 2022.
Toothbrushes, toiletries, underwear, socks, pyjamas, a dressing gown, tea, coffee, biscuits, a radio to play some music, a kettle ... things most of us take for granted can go a long, long way and really make a difference to someone's life.
Every pound really does make a difference.
These gifts show we care. It's not just about a place to stay. It's about dignity, comfort and hope.
"Simon Community Scotland caught me, they cradled me. They sat with me, they fed me. I actually felt as thought someone liked me, that someone genuinely cared. I was looked after, I was warm, I had a bed. I got my own room, a television, they got me a telephone - that was my lifeline. I could talk to the people that I love. I've never been given that kind of support." Richard, who is living at one of our supported accommodation sites
Caring is such a wonderful thing, because it makes a difference to other people. Caring provides comfort, caring can make someone smile, caring can give people a boost and caring can give people hope, dignity, identity, meaning and empowerment
Your donation, your connection, your care, will make a difference to someone we are supporting.
Please show you care this Christmas and we promise our team will provide the best care we possibly can over the festive season and through 2022.
Thank you for taking the time to visit this page. Thank you so much for caring.