We wish to appeal to SCOT members, their families and other well-wishers to donate generously to this SCOT’s crowd funding for flood relief and Christmas appeal.
You are probably aware of devastation caused by the severe floods in the North and East of Sri Lanka which is the homeland of Tamil speaking minority of Sri Lanka. The Hill country where substantial number of Tamil speaking people reside is also affected by floods and landslides. Most affected are those living in the low-lying areas. These are the underprivileged daily wage earners and the unemployed. The severe floods have caused indescribable hardship to these poor people who are displaced are in need of food and shelter. In a week or two when floods reside, they need to return to their homes, repair, reconstruct and start again. All this has happened in this festive season.
Please consider that while we are preparing for the Christmas festivities and family re-unions, our brethren in Sri Lanka are going hungry with no place to shelter. Please donate GENEROUSLY to this appeal
SCOT (Standing Committee of Tamil Speaking people) has already mobilised some emergency funding to some areas badly affected by this flood, but our resources are limited and we are dipping into the funds allocated to employment generation and education of these people for their medium and long term benefit. We appeal for you to come to our people’s emergency needs and resettlement by donating whatever amount you consider appropriate into this crowd funding appeal.
The funds collected by SCOT will be used to feed the hungry and replace the basic needs of our above-mentioned brethren. How many days it will feed them and how else can we redress their needs depends in your hands. Please donate generously. If navigating through JustGiving link does not work, as a second option, please donate directly into SCOT’s NATWEST account.
Name of the Account: Standing Tamil Speaking People. Sort Code:60-04-02 and Account number: 84462612. Give reference as: Flood. your name