The Nepal Education Foundation (nef) helps six small government primary
schools situated in a mountainous region of Northern Nepal.
Like in the UK, Nepal has been heavily affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Existing problems around health, jobs and schools in the villages we support have become worse as a result. Unfortunately, the schools we support are currently closed because Nepal is currently experiencing a second wave of infections.
We have supported communities in Nepal through challenges including the civil war that ended in 2006 and the earthquake in 2015. The learning gained through these experiences have helped us plan our response to Covid-19.
This fundraising campaign will make sure that when schools re-open, all 550 children in 6 schools will:
1. Return to school safely. We work with with specialists who have delivered health related projects in our partner schools for the last 10 years. They provided training and materials when schools opened after the first wave of Covid-19, and will do so again..
2. Have access to basic facilities, such as books, creative materials and educational games. As there is likely to be few jobs in the area for some time, there is an urgent need to make sure that children have all the basic materials they need to learn.
3. Receive effective well-being support. Covid-19 presents challenges around emotional well-being, socialisation and, in some cases, trauma. We will deliver a package of training and materials that can be used daily in the classroom by teachers when school re-opens.