Please help us raise £130,000 to enhance the facilities for little ones when they stay at Northampton General Hospital. For a child, being able to play whilst being treated in hospital is really important for their recovery as it is reassuring and familiar, enabling children to express their feelings and anxieties.
Children of all ages and ability are treated on Disney and Paddington wards with some young patients receiving chemotherapy and some children being treated in the Paediatric Assessment Unit.
The new improved space will be equipped to provide a range of outside play activities as well as new options for physiotherapy. It will also have vastly improved accessibility for all children, which will enable parents and carers with physical disabilities to take their children out to play. Play is also vital in helping children to comprehend what is happening to them, which in turn helps them cope with receiving treatment.
Sue Faulkner, Play Service Co-ordinator explains, "The current outdoor play facilities are out of date and not accessible to all children and their individual needs. The plans for the new area will enhance accessibility to be inclusive for all ages and abilities."
The idea for the improvement of the play area came about from discussions of the Paediatrics Shared Decision Making Council (SDC), whose mission it is to improve patient care and staff experience. Sue, who is herself a member of the SDC says, "Having a bright, welcoming new play area will be fantastic! It will be a therapeutic outdoor space where all children and parents can spend time outside, in all weathers. This space will help promote childrens health and well-being during their stay within the hospital environment."
Having a colourful, interactive, welcoming area for children to play in which will help them to continue an important aspect of their normal life and so they can make sense of the world around them is so important.
Can you help us make this dream a reality and bring this new play area to life? Donating via this page will help us reach our target.
Or, perhaps you'd like to do your own fundraising? Contact the charity team on 01604 626927 or email for details on how you can get involved. Join our abseil day on 3rd July or, why not create your very own exciting virtual challenge.