Throughout September, LATCH is inviting our supporters to help support our Childhood Cancer Month Fundraising Campaign, helping to ensure our vital services are available for families today and for those who will face similar struggles in the future.
LATCH supports the children who are receiving treatment for cancer at the Children's Hospital for Wales and their families. Over 70 cases of childhood cancer and leukaemia are diagnosed in our catchment area each year, and LATCH supports over 120 families each year on average. With a fundraising target of £800,000 and no paid fundraisers, LATCH relies on individuals from across the UK to help us achieve our very ambitious goals.
So where does your fundraising go?
LATCH is most well-known for its on-Site Family Accommodation at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff which is offered to families free of charge and helps keep families together during their childs stay in hospital.
LATCH also provides a vital Social Work Service: three social workers who are there to provide practical, emotional and financial support in a confidential environment.
LATCH also provides financial Support through Grants this can be for travel, food, even rent in some cases. When a child goes through cancer or leukaemia treatment, families often face higher heating bills for example, and many parents have to give up work to care for a sick child. Last year alone, LATCH gave out over £350,000 in grants which helped families meet the ongoing needs of their children whilst often taking time off work to care for them.
LATCH also provides Ward Based Support Workers, Caravans, iPads for each child we support, Support for Rainbow Ward, a Psychology Service, a Research Nurse and so much more.
Putting it simply, LATCH makes life easier for children and their families so that they can give their all to their treatment without letting anything else get in their way. Time and time again, families stress that LATCH lifted them when they needed it the most and in many cases stopped them from buckling.
We're asking for you to help us with a one-off donation of any amount you're able to spare this Childhood Cancer Awareness Month so that we can continue to provide our support to these most special families today and for years to come. To help visualise where your donation might be spent, here are some examples of some typical LATCH spends:
Maclaren Buggies are used by parents and carers often for the duration of a child's treatment as they may lose mobility: £300 each.
State of the art Theatre Trolleys are much easier to manoeuvre and provide much more more comfort for children: £1,500 each.
A holiday grant allows families to take a moment out and to create lifelong happy memories: £500 per family per year.
Travel grants enable families to travel to the hospital from as far away as Aberystwyth. Grants are ongoing but typically cost £100 each month.
Arts and crafts items are used on Rainbow ward to keep childrens spirits up while undergoing treatment.
A good supply could be purchased for £100.
iPads are given to children when they are on treatment for many reasons including: reducing anxiety, communication, education: £315 each.