As of 2020, Brazil continues to lead the world in primary forest loss with an increase of 25% year over the year. In the Amazon, the clear-cut deforestation rate is at its highest in over 10 years.
Tribal Trees -
Indigenous people have an intrinsic knowledge of the inter-relationship between species of trees and plants. It is crucial that representatives from indigenous communities are at the forefront in the consultation process and partners in reforestation initiatives.
With this campaign we as a Trust are supporting indigenous communities in Brazil in the creation and establishment of tree nurseries.
Where the trees stand the tribal people live
In 2021 with the sharp increase in deforestation aerial footage often reveals that clearing of the forest for agribusiness extends right up to the demarcated indigenous territories. Creating Tree nurseries at this time together with the indigenous people would be a positive initiative preparing the way forward for the reforestation processes.