We live in a world of dichotomies. The haves and the have-nots. The alreadys and the not-yets. Those just beginning their healing journey and others still raw from the worst experience imaginable. We believe that none of this should have ever happened. That even one abused child is too many. But trauma is inevitable until the entire community collectively decides to take action. It's for this reason that we continue our fight every single day to protect our most vulnerable. Because if we want to have joy in our future, we must stop that trauma happening right now. When children grow up in a safe environment with equal access and opportunities to thrive, we lay the groundwork for a strong and flourishing community. We tirelessly strive to create a future where every child is secure and protected, leaving no room for abuse our mission is complete when our services are no longer needed. Until then, we hear you, we see you, and we will advocate for you.