On average 1 man dies by suicide, every minute of every day, globally. Suicide impacts countless lives leaving parents, partners, siblings, children and friends devastated. Besides the virus, mental ill-health will be one of the biggest issues we will face as a result of COVID-19. The latest ONS figures have shown that depression has doubled during the Coronavirus pandemic.
HUMEN is the charity leading a movement to prevent men from suffering in silence and dying too young by improving and maintaining men's mental health, through The HUMEN Space. Anonymous and non-clinical spaces across the UK for men to talk, listen and connect on a regular basis. HUMEN had to close all of their Spaces across the UK but quickly transitioned online to continue to provide this lifeline to men all over the world. Since the pandemic they have continued to provide this vital support every single week, despite being significantly impacted by the £4billion the charitable sector has lost as a result of the pandemic.
76% of all UK suicides are male that's why we're asking incredible people to raise £7,600 each by completing a Challenge 76. From running 76 miles to dancing nonstop for 76 minutes, please help us to prevent men from suffering in silence and dying too young.