Cystic Fibrosis Trust

TCS London Marathon 2024

Welcome to our London Marathon 2024 team page and congratulations on getting your place!
Event: London Marathon 2024, on 21 April 2024
RCN 1079049 (England and Wales) & SC040196 (Scotland)

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Jamie Fox, who was diagnosed with CF as a baby, ran the TCS London Marathon for the Trust in 2022, raising an incredible £3200. Read more about Jamies motivations, his top fundraising tips, and why it was the best thing hes ever done.

I was diagnosed with CF in 1986 at 6 months old. My parents were told by the doctor to do everything they could to give me the best life possible because I might be lucky to reach double figures. That's exactly what they did. They never wrapped me up in cotton wool and let me live my life to the full, instilling in me that no matter how hard things get, life is precious. Over 30 years later, I still live by this mantra. Im grateful for every day and am living and loving life.

I decided to run the London Marathon for the Trust because they have given me so much support over the years. If my fundraising and story could help or inspire even one person with CF, then I knew it would be so worth it.

The London Marathon was the best thing Ive ever done. From the first 200 metres, the crowd carries you along; shouting your name and spurring you on when things got tough. When you think you might be low on energy or your legs hurt, a person you don't even know shouts your name and it makes you pick your feet back up and keep going. I didn't even listen to my music once because the whole atmosphere was like a carnival. You will never experience anything like it!

If you have CF and are thinking of taking on the marathon, my top tip would be to build slowly! Give yourself plenty of time to build the mileage up and dont be too hard on yourself. Not every run or training day can be a success but by simply continuing to put one foot in front of the other you will reach your goal.

For me running takes me away from my CF. Regardless of how fast or slow you are, it's like a release from life. It makes me feel proud and like I've won a little battle against CF.

Jamie's top fundraising tips

Post your fundraising page in as many places as possible. Whether thats on social media or in an email to work colleagues. Make sure you ask friends and family to share it through their channels too.

Share updates on your training, so people feel part of your journey!

Don't be disheartened if donations are hard to come by. It doesn't matter if you get £50 or 50p, it all counts so never stop pushing your fundraising.

Send personal thank yous to those who sponsor you. It's a small gesture but means a lot.

About the charity

Cystic Fibrosis Trust

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1079049 (England and Wales) & SC040196 (Scotland)
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a life-shortening genetic condition that slowly destroys the lungs and digestive system. The Cystic Fibrosis Trust is the only UK-wide charity fighting for a life unlimited, when everyone living with CF can look forward to a long, healthy life.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £22,828.42 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations
Direct donations
Donations via fundraisers

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