Here at Cumbria Family Support we know how hard this year has been again for families in our community.
Across the last year we have supported even more families and we currently have 86 families in support and 89 on the waiting list for Carlisle, Penrith and Workington and surrounding areas. We have helped approximately 420 children and young people and 280 parent / carers through home-based family support services and we have provided over 3609 hours of support for the families.
Last year, through the incredible generosity of our supporters, we raised over £1,500 so that we could provide families with vouchers, selection boxes and a few festive foodie treats.
We were also able to hold three wonderful Christmas parties with the big man himself making an appearance!!
Alongside our many individuals who support us we have a long history of support from a range of organisations. Over recent years these have included Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Penrith Lions, Mothers Union, CFM Cash for Kids, Stainton Community, Maddisons of Workington, Milburn Solicitors, Dodd & Co, The Science Booth, Swansway Group/Carlisle Audi, Whitbarrow Holiday Village, Viberoptix, Thompsons of Penrith, Stephens Equipment Rental, Burnetts Solicitors, Edwin Thompson Properties, Morrisons, Leo Group, Lakes College, Sainsburys Penrith, Northgate Vehicle hire, Local Author Adam Clarke, Puddle Ducks Childminders, Cumbria Fire and Rescue, Jill Glencross Funeral Directors, Out of Eden and Stan Palmer, just to name a few!
We need to ask you, our wonderful supporters, if you can help us again!
We know there is still so much we can do to help brighten Christmas for the families we support this year and we will again provide the gifts/vouchers and Christmas parties.
Every little helps and so if you can donate anything, small or large, it will help keep the magic alive for the children and families we are supporting this year in what we know is still going to be a challenging time.