CASBA works with hundreds of people with learning disabilities every year. Without us, they would find it very hard to get the support they need. They tell us how valuable our services are and how important it is that we raise enough money to keep them going.
We work with parents to help keep them and their children safe and keep their families together. Our new project has identified that we need to get involved earlier, before crises happen and social services, or courts become involved. We are doing that by providing training, support and one-to-one advocacy with pregnant women and young moms.
We also know how difficult life is now with the cost of living crisis, so we are providing financial advocacy, helping people to claim the benefits they need, plan their budgets and deal with debts if it has reached that stage.
We also provide crisis advocacy for anyone who is feeling unsafe and needs help to sort out problems in areas such as housing, health or with legal matters.