Carter was born in Sale on 3rd February 2021. A healthy baby boy passing all of his milestones until a life changing event at 14 months old when, in the early hours of 12th April 2022 Carter was found unresponsive in his cot.
CPR was performed on Carter whilst awaiting the arrival of paramedics. He was taken to Wythenshawe Hospital all whilst suffering multiple seizures. After a CT scan and two days spent at Wythenshawe hospital Carter's condition deteriorated and he was placed in an emergency neuro protected coma and intubated whilst being transferred to The Royal Manchester Childrens Hospital ICU.
After 3 weeks in ICU and multiple tests and MRI's we were told the heartbreaking news that Carter had significant brain damage and to prepare for the worst. Carter was clearly a fighter and after successful extubation he was transferred to the Neurological ward where he spent a further 3 months in hospital.
Carter's acquired brain injury presents itself with Cortical Vision Impairment (CVI), Dystonia, Seizures. He cannot walk, talk, sit unaided or crawl. He also has an unsafe swallow and he is currently fed through an NG tube whilst he is on the waiting list for a gastro tube.
Although the NHS will provide basic limited equipment and therapy, it became apparent that without sourcing private therapy and equipment Carter's development would be hindered and at best limited.
All this additional equipment and private therapy comes at a great financial cost. Therapy alone amounting to approx £30k per annum and without the kind help from charities, friends, family and your fundraising, Carter would not have made the significant improvements he has done already in this short time.
Carter has already surpassed all of our expectations through the private therapy sessions and equipment and we know that with every extra therapy session that your fundraising achieves his physical and cognitive abilities will improve and most importantly his quality of life will improve significantly for this wonderfully happy little boy.
Every donation goes a long way to winning each battle he faces.
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Info for donors