There are 93,722 of the Welsh population diagnosed with Kidney Disease. 3,297 of these with Chronic Kidney Disease on renal replacement therapy which includes dialysis, transplant or palliative care. Chronic Kidney Disease is a life long, life threatening condition, there are multiple treatments but unfortunately no cure.
Kidney Wales vision is to unite the Welsh kidney community to enable pioneering world class care, support and well-being services.
- we provide information, advice and assistance to patients and families via patient information and support manager
- provide emergency financial aid
- deliver education and awareness raising activity
- work with partners to invest in targeted care for patients physical and mental wellbeing
- Fund research that benefit Welsh kidney patients
Kidney Wales does not receive any government funding, we rely on the generosity of you to continue our life changing work. Thank you for supporting the cause by taking part in, or donating to this iconic event Every penny raised will make a huge difference supporting patients and families living with kidney disease in Wales.
How your fundraising / donations could help our Kidney Community in Wales this Christmas:
£7.92 could supply 10 patients with a fistula warning band to alert medical staff to their fistula to keep it safe during a medical emergency.
£67.5 could supply 50 patients with a fistula cap to help prevent a life-threatening bleed
£107 could supply a patient with a wellbeing food voucher as the cost of living crisis continues to impact our community.
£125 could supply a patient with a wellbeing food voucher addressing the cost of living crisis, and supply 15 patients with a fistula cap to prevent life-threatening bleeds.
£500 could support a patient with a Financial Assistance Grant in their time of hardship.
£750 could pay for a course of art therapy sessions for a group of 8 children, who are struggling to come to terms with their diagnosis.
£1,300 could help purchase equipment for units such as vein and bladder scanners and mannequins to practice vascular access.
£2,000 could help fund research projects in support of current and future kidney patients here in Wales.