The recent COP26 summit highlighted that not enough is being done to deliver the Paris agreement goal of limiting global warming to 1.5C. We need to act now. Climate change and the loss of nature are the most significant environmental crises of our time, and we are the last generation to stop their most devastating impacts. The choices we make each day as individuals and businesses will make a profound difference to the health and future of our precious planet.
We are starting a vital decade for climate and natural action. The year we must ramp up our efforts, build on the progress weve made, and begin to think around outing nature at the heart of our new standard to protect the health of ourselves, our future generations and our world.
In May 2022, WWF Cahir, Dave Lewis, will be embarking on a strenuous but spectacular two-day hike along the beautiful and isolated coast of Scotland to Cape Wrath Lighthouse, the most North-easterly point of mainland UK. Dave will join a group of incredible WWF supporters, all passionate about our planet.
The team will be trekking over 50km on demanding terrain to test their limits. But as a group, and with your support, we have the power to make a difference, raise awareness and raise money to fight for our world. Together, we can build a future where people live in harmony with nature.