Asking for help is difficult sometimes We like to think we can figure it out or hang on until things get better, but these are not ordinary times. Camp Jorn YMCA like many other small non-profit businesses is paddling through unchartered waters and needs the support from those who are able to consider a gift. Income has all but stalled as all of our programs are in jeopardy of moving forward this summer because of the potential health risks to campers, families, staff and the community at large. Regardless of the final decisions camp programs will experience many new challenges. Please consider supporting our cause of youth development even if that means providing support dollars for unanticipated health and safety supplies or maintaining our operations until we can bring back our face to face programs. We may also need to respond to families in financial crisis and your gift can make that possible. We know camp programs make the world a better place for all. We also know our presence and impact is affected by our financial health and ability to jump in when the waters get deep. To some degree, our response to this crisis and our ability to sustain are programs will depend on community generosity. We cherish and appreciate your support of kids and families.