Please help us reach our fundraising goal!
Any person who donates $21 or more by 10/25 at 11:00 am will be eligible to win 4 VIP admission tickets ($80+ value) to Ellms Family Farm, good through October 31st. Prizes will also be awarded to the team captains who raise the most by 10/31/21. Your support makes a difference - thank you!
The Buddy Walk is all about connecting! When our children who have Down syndrome are young, it's especially important (and fun!) to meet other families in similar situations. This is the perfect opportunity for making those acquaintances. As our loved ones become adults, it's important for them to see their friends and for us parents to feel comforted by those supportive relationships, not to mention the fun we enjoy catching up with our own peers! Add to this that the Buddy Walk is an important fundraiser for DSAHRC, which provides so many important supports for our community! -Carol Rowell
The Buddy Walk makes me happy. I love walking with my friends and it's fun to see the new babies and little kids. I like petting the dogs and getting kisses from them and doing Zumba. Its great! -Maggie Rowell
The Buddy Walk is fun, she likes walking with her family and she likes seeing everyone at the walk. -Elizabeth Lorini