Imagine losing your sight, bit by bit, and with it your ability to go to school, to learn, to do the things you enjoy, or to look after yourself and your family.
Sightsavers vision is of a world where no one is blind from avoidable causes and where people with disabilities participate equally in society At least 2.2 billion people (over a quarter of the worlds population) have a vision impairment, of whom at least 1 billion could have been prevented or treated. Shocked at how unfair this is? So are we.
Thanks to the support of people like you, we are restoring peoples sight, one by one.
This summer, you can help us fight against avoidable blindness and restore the sight of those who are needlessly blind in developing countries by supporting Bright for Sight! Just 2 euro can provide an eye screening for two children and 104 euro
can fund a sight-saving cataract operation for a child. Giving them a chance at a better and brighter future.