Fortifying and fully establishing our Masjid; becoming debt-free
There was a significant need for a Masjid in Bromley; some in the community will remember how desperate we were. The vision for a Masjid was formed and Keston Masjid was born.
With the permission of Allah and our Community's efforts, Al-Emaan Centre, our Masjid, has gone from a building to a fully functioning Masjid, serving our community with invaluable services.
There has been a significant emotional, physical and financial investment, and Alhamdulillah, we have come a very long way. Our total build cost was £1,175,000; in Ramadhan 2021 we had an outstanding qard hassanah of £464,430, by Ramadhan 2022 this had been reduced to £341,955 and we now have only £171,955 remaining.
Please help us to become completely debt free this Ramadhan! Fortify your Masjid for our future generations and create a sadaqa jaariya for your hereafter, inshaAllah