Young carers work incredibly hard to take care of their loved ones. It is a 24/7 responsibility and on top of that they go to school, college, university or work. It's just their way of life. This can ultimately lead to them facing significant disadvantage as a result and at MYTIME Young Carers we don't think that's right or fair. Therefore we are asking you to Brave the Wave in January to help support these incredible young people. What does it involve? Getting in the sea, or other cold water source, for a maximum of 8-10 minutes each day in January. Yes it will be cold but it has also been proven to reap significant benefits both physically and mentally. Physically it can lead to increased immunity; decreased inflammation and quicker recovery times from injuries or fatigue; weight loss due to the body naturally working harder to warm up during and after; and potentially more radiant skin. Mentally it can increase tolerance to stress; a boost to self-esteem; increase concentration and focus; and can be a great mindfulness exercise that gives you more energy to attack the day with. So join our very own Tim Sills and raise money to help support young carers while doing something immensely challenging but also amazing!