**Update on this appeal**
The SVR Charitable Trust are delighted to announce that the target of £5,000 has been achieved, ensuring the Bewdley South Bracket Signal can be replaced and lovingly returned to it's former glory! A massive "thankyou" to all who donated - your support is very much appreciated!
The old signal, which was taken down earlier this year and stored at Kidderminster had deteriorated to the extent that some of it disintegrated when it was moved! The new post, made of African hardwood, has already been delivered to Kidderminster and every effort is being made to ensure it is re-erected as soon as possible.
The SVR is very fortunate to possess two wonderful wooden bracket signals, both of which are sited near Bewdley South signal box. These signals were erected in 1932, the larger signal probably being new at the time, the other being secondhand with an original date of about 1908.
The smaller signal retains its original signal post albeit somewhat shorter than original, as 5 feet had to be chopped from the bottom as it had gone rotten. It has now been erected in a steel shoe on a concrete base. The main post of the larger bracket was renewed using Douglas Fir in 2004, but unfortunately this post did not last and was condemned last year. At the end of midweek running in 2020, a temporary signal was brought into use, the wooden bracket was stripped of its arms and was lifted out of the ground by the SVRs 30-ton steam crane.
The old signal has been moved to Kidderminster where the metal fittings will be transferred to the new posts. This is in the plural as it was discovered that all three posts - the main post and the two smaller dolls - need replacing.