The Big Quiz Night is a virtual, online extravaganza where churches, communities and groups from every corner of the country come together for some poverty-fighting fun. Its a brilliant, family-friendly quiz for everyone of all ages.
Every pound raised will transform the lives of people in need. People just like Alaya.
Alaya lives in Malawi with her husband, Bazwell, and their three young children. Frequent flooding washes away the little food they have, and brings diseases such as cholera and diarrhoea. Her crops fail, again and again.
This means that, for 11 months of the year, Alaya and her family are hungry surviving on just one meal a day.
With help from our local partner, Alaya and Bazwell are learning new ways to work the land under these tough conditions. Training like this is saving lives. Its giving people, like Alaya, a way to lift their families out of poverty for the long haul. Its more than just making sure they have enough food to survive.
For millions of people around the world, including Alaya, poverty is a huge barrier that stops them from enjoying life in its fullness. But, thanks to the funds raised through the Big Quiz Night, The local partner can continue to do all they can to help people like Alaya and her family get back on their feet. And flourish.
£16 could release two households, like Alayas, from hunger by giving them 5kg of weather-proof seeds to produce an abundant harvest.
£393 raised at a Big Quiz Night could pay for 300 households to receive vital farming training so they can learn new skills to feed their families and lift themselves out of poverty.