The Chapter of Wells is delighted that Wells Cathedral has re-opened and worship has started once again. For centuries the Cathedral has been a place of contemplation, comfort and inspiration at the heart of its communities, and now it can resume this vital role. For those who are unable to visit in person, the Cathedral continues its extensive online programme of worship, music, reflection and pastoral support. In this time of reopening and renewal, Wells Cathedral is here for all.
Through the generosity of so many, near and far, who value the ministry of Wells Cathedral, the Cathedral is delighted to announce that the Bounce Back Appeal target has now also been reached, marking a major milestone in the Cathedrals survival and recovery.
The Cathedral Chapter thank wholeheartedly all those who have been able to support the Bounce Back Appeal and the Sponsored Pilgrimages this year and last. Donations have come from so many in our community and beyond, including generous support from the Somerset Freemasons, the Masonic Charitable Foundation, the Sanderson Foundation, and the Friends of Wells Cathedral.
The Very Revd Dr John Davies, Dean of Wells, said This is a remarkable achievement, and on behalf of the Chapter I thank all who have been involved through the fourteen months of the Appeal. I am so proud of this Cathedrals team and community we have been hugely successful in accessing a range of grants in the last year; but we did not just hold out our hand for help, we also worked and donated so that we could ourselves support the Cathedral in these unprecedented times.
The Bounce Back Appeal has been a lifeline to the Cathedral, but it will be some time before life returns to normal. If you feel able to continue to support the Cathedral, there are several ways of helping which are outlined on our website at