Beacon of Light Challenge
What is the challenge?
Our Beacon of Light Challenge is your chance to achieve your goal, after all, one persons goal is totally inaccessible to another, so we want you to decide what will be a challenge for you.
Whether you walk, dance, flip 100 pancakes, skydive, bake a record-breaking sized pie, or run around the garden with a toddler, the choice is yours. You choose your method and goal. Have you taken up a new sport and want to reach a target, have you been ill and want to have an aim to help you with your recovery or is there just something you have always wanted to achieve?
Its a great opportunity for everyone to get involved and get a little active and creative and to fundraise for your local NHS Charity. Will you be sponsored per lap of the garden, per pancake flip or for a certain time?
The Beacon of Light
The past year has given challenges to many, leaving us grief stricken and mentally and physically exhausted. While we each have our personal goal, we hope you will join us for the ultimate goal of shining a light to a brighter future.
Here at My WiSH Charity we want to help you move forward, to celebrate the lives of loved ones we have so tragically lost, join friends and families together to remember our fallen heroes and to give thanks that we are here to see another day.
The Beacon of Light is our metaphor to brighter days and we hope, when you have completed your challenge, that you will stand together and shine your Beacon of Light. It could be your phone or it could be a candle, but shine it high and take a moment to reflect on your loved one and towards a different future.
Find out more, including how your money will help, at