2020 was a tough year for the Berkshire MS Therapy Centre. We lost friends, faced unprecedented challenges and for the first time in many years we had to contemplate a future without the Centre.
But we came together. Not physically but united in our determination to make sure our MS community gets the support it needs.
We all know the Centre goes beyond the vital treatments we provide. We are a community tied together with one goal: to provide the much-needed support to improve the health and wellbeing for local people with MS. Living with MS is always unpredictable but stability has never been so vital.
Last year we built a new virtual programme from scratch aimed at keeping our members as active as possible, to improve their mental health and reduce the loneliness.
We had returned to offering some face-to-face services which we have since had to pause again.
The Centre is a crucial lifeline but due to the Coronavirus many sources of income have stopped.
We look forward to the day when we can return to something that resembles life pre-Covid, perhaps even enhanced with the new ways we have learnt throughout the pandemic.
We have taken the steps we need to safeguard the charity's future. Your donation today will not only allow us to continue to help during this most difficult of times but will make sure that when we return to the Centre, we will be strong enough to repair some of the damage done.
Your generosity today will make sure our MS community gets the support it needs. Together we can do this.