Bank of Montreal are fundraising for The ROTEM Project. Your support will provide the Trauma Team with advanced diagnostic equipment that will rapidly assess which life-saving treatments their patients need.
ROTEM (Rotational Thromboelastometry) machines analyse the bleeding disorders which are extremely common in major trauma patients. These bleeding disorders are called coagulopathies they begin minutes after injury. Coagulopathies can be treated by transfusing tailored blood products. The problem is, a patients coagulopathies can switch patterns from one moment to another.
The ROTEM Project will install an advanced array of networked diagnostic machines all along the trauma pathway. It will inform Trauma doctors in real time exactly what blood products their patients need, saving time and saving lives.
Barts Charity enable healthcare innovations that go above and beyond standard NHS funding. Thank you for your continued support of Barts Charity and our work to transform Trauma Medicine in London, and beyond.