Lois and Daphne are our beautiful twin daughters. They are eight years old and are identical, although they are very different because Lois has Cerebral Palsy. This was caused by a bleed on her brain as a result of a shortage in oxygen at some point during her delivery.
Lois received a diagnosis at 2 weeks old. The impact was devastating and we grieved for her, her sister and the things that they wouldn't do together and for our family.
The injury has affected her movement, coordination, ability to swallow and muscle tone.
With time we began to focus on loving her, including her and helping her to reach her full potential. At 5 months old we began neuro rehab therapy including HBOT oxygen therapy, CPT, conductive education and sensory therapy as well as traditional physiotherapy. With a lot of therapy and hard work we have seen Lois improve cognitively and physically and she has grown into a funny, clever, happy and determined little girl.
She can say a few words, sign, crawl for short periods and sit up. She is a busy and inquisitve little girl who loves going to school, attending her weekly dance class, swimming, playing and riding her bike. We see Lois's determination to learn and improve every day. We desperately want to give her every opportunity to do so and to exceed all of our expectations!
We want her to continue with her weekly therapies which she loves attending and for her to have stem cell therapy, an expensive treatment and is currently not available in the UK. Our ambition is to raise the money for Just4Children to take Lois to one of a small number of specialist hospitals as we are certain this will help her to reach her potential.
Chris and Natalie x