Will and Zoe (Blanchelande College Head Boy and Head Girl) have chosen two charities to support, one international and one local charity. We have decided to support Guernsey aid as our international and Safer Guernsey as our local charity. We have set an ambitious target of £5000; this will be split equally.
Guernsey aid is a newly founded charity which aims to support underdeveloped countries, particularly Cambodia and Nepal. We will be using funds raised to purchase lifesaving water filters in Cambodia, each water filter costs around £70 pounds, these are incredibly long lasting and prevent unnecessary mortality due to diarrhoeal disease. We have also decided to support school project in Nepal. Bani Bilas school was destroyed in the Nepal earthquakes, despite the fact the school has been rebuilt, it needs its resources such as library books.
Safer Guernsey is a charity which supports adults and children who are victims of domestic abuse here in Guernsey. Any money raised will make a huge difference as it is a small charity (and sometimes overlooked), but they do crucial work. Funds would be used to pay for urgent medical appointments for victims, locating safe places for victims to stay and getting any help they may require. They have a few members of staff who work specifically with children - which is why I chose this charity - and as they receive more money from us and other donations, they can increase their staff numbers, which in turn means they can support more children over here. Their 24/7 helpline number is: +44 (0) 1481 721999.