The Big Walk for Water is a challenge to walk for those who do not have access to water. Its a great way to kick start your Lent, walking in solidarity with people like Abdella. You'll be joining in spirit with Catholics across England and Wales who are all walking 5 miles in their area. Take the challenge on your own, with your family, bubble or 'virtually' with members of your parish (Remember to follow government guidelines). Let's get fundraising and help give the boot to water poverty!
We are asking people to 'walk for water' in order to help people like Abdella:
Abdella is 23 and he has big dreams. He dreams of starting a small business. He dreams of starting a family. He dreams of having his own home.
He dreams of the day he'll never have to walk ten hours to get water.
Abdella lives in Afar, Ethiopia one of the hottest places on earth. Like hundreds of people in the area, he spends most of a day getting water for his family to drink. On the days when he's too tired to walk, his brother goes. He knows that if there was water near his home, his family wouldn't have to worry any more about getting enough to stay alive. And he could start on the dreams he has for the rest of his life.
So please join up, and get everyone you know to take part!
Did you know?
£33 can buy water for a family
£66 can buy a bike for a water engineer to travel to a remote community's water pump
£750 can bring water to an entire community