Thank you for signing up to take part in this year’s Big Sleepout and Dawn Walk —we are thrilled to have you on board for our 10th Annual Sleepout celebration!
Have you ever wondered what the causes and effects of homelessness are locally? Are you unsure of what you can do to help?
This is our 10th Annual Big Sleepout and every year fundraisers tell us they are left with a humbling and thought-provoking experience as well as a better understanding of the life some of our most vulnerable local people face.
Helping Hands Community Project works with people needing support with issues such as homelessness, mental health, domestic abuse, poverty, addiction, isolation and provides services, supported volunteering and skills support to the people they support to a place of confidence to lead their life to their full potential.
Will you join us and brave the cold?
Find out what it is like to spend a night on the streets. Join us on the 10th of October 2025 for our 10th annual event that aims to give you an insight into homelessness and the factors that can cause homelessness.
We will have a range of speakers on various topics from a number of organisations and Soup kitchen style food will be served in the evening before settling down in our cardboard boxes and waterproof sheets for the night. This year we have extended the event to include a Dawn Walk from the Parish Church around Leamington finishing back at our offices on Althorpe Street for breakfast.
Our theme this year is #10for10, and we are challenging everyone to get creative with their fundraising efforts. Here are some ideas to inspire you:
Individuals: Could you get ten people to sponsor you £10 each?
Small Businesses/Organisations: Could you rally ten supporters to donate £100 each?
Corporate Sponsors: Could your organisation be one of our #10for10 champions by donating, raising, or sponsoring the event with £10,000?
If you have not yet brought your tickets head to Eventbrite where we have three options available this year for tickets. Individual (£10), Groups (of up to ten people £100), and Corporate Sponsor (£1000). Please book using one of these options when booking here: We would love it if you also chose to use this event to individually fundraise for us and will be sending out fundraising packs soon. Please do set up your JustGiving fundraising page by linking it to this campaign.