The funds you raise will support Tender's work across a number of vital programmes supporting children and young people to live lives free from abuse. Every donation, however small, helps us get closer to key fundraising targets that make a huge difference:
£5 would provide our workshop leaders with the pack of reusable teaching resources they use to introduce important themes and activities as part of our healthy relationships workshops with young people.
£10 would allow a young person to attend our two-day Healthy Relationships programme designed to boost their understanding, confidence and skill in navigating their personal relationships.
If we raised £2000, we could support a school to access our innovative new game, Relationship Goals, designed to help young people with special educational needs to learn about healthy relationships: including training and extra resources for school staff.
Raising £2500 could provide a whole school with our year-long mentorship programme, RE:SET: enabling up to 1200 young people and 120 teachers to prevent abuse and promote healthy relationships throughout the school environment."
It's easy to get involved:
Commit to 14 acts of kindness - to yourself, friends, family and community.
To help you, we have created a calendar of 14 different acts of kindness, which apply to yourself, your partner, friends, family and community - you can find them on our website ( or on our social media @TenderUK.
But if you have ideas for different acts of kindness, go for it! Small or big, each one contributes to healthier and happier relationships.
Share photographs online and challenge your friends to do the same
Using the #BeTender and #14ActsOfKindness hashtags and tagging @TenderUK in your photos, you can make sure everyone involved in the campaign can see how far kindness goes!
Make sure to follow Tender's social accounts on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to keep up with updates from the campaign and exciting opportunities!
Ask for sponsorship from friends and family who can donate easily through our JustGiving page
By donating £5-10 to Tender, you are contributing to the vital and specialised work we do with young people across the UK.