For many children Christmas is the most magical time of the year. The tree is up, the lights are twinkling, and the stockings are hung up awaiting Santas arrival. They get their festive pyjamas on, leave a carrot out for Rudolph, followed by a cosy drink before story time then its a wish of sweet dreams, sleep tight followed by a kiss goodnight.
For hundreds of children across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire the magic has sadly never existed and the lead up to Christmas is upsetting, stressful and often dreaded. So while our friends at other charities ensure Santa makes the special delivery on the big day, we want to add the final touch and sprinkle extra magic dust where we can.
Do you remember that feeling of butterflies in your tummy, full of excitement for Christmas? We sure do and thats why we believe No Child Should Go Without Believing in Magic.
Our Christmas campaign will provide hundreds of children with a Christmas Eve Box filled with cosy pyjamas, slipper socks, a festive activity, reindeer food, a Christmas story, a mug and hot chocolate as well as a sweet treat.
For just £35 per box we can provide not only material items but also the priceless gift of imagination, excitement and a happy memory that will last a lifetime.
Please help us ensure every child gets to believe in the magic of Christmas this year.