Register for Beautification Day 2024 (click on link) and be a part of one of the only alumni events of its kind in the country! Come Back Home and help Beautify Blackburn!
Be a part of building the landscape around Jewell Hall and Bothwell Auditorium, staining walking bridges, planting new foliage throughout campus and/or donating to the operational costs of this year's Beautification Day.
The Blackburn College Alumni Board is in its sixth year of sponsoring this unique, on-campus event. We hope you will Come Back Home on Saturday, April 20, 2024 to work alongside fellow alums, students, staff and faculty. This is definitely an event you don't want to miss. Any and all participation and/or donations are greatly needed and appreciated! All participants will receive a Beautification Day t-shirt, coffee, and donuts to start the day and lunch will be provided.
Job descriptions will be available to provide a better idea of what each project entails Those descriptions will be provided closer to Beautification Day.
Schedule of the day:
7:00 am - Registration opens - coffee and doughnuts will be available
8:00 am - Work Begins Around Campus (indoor projects will be planned in case of inclement weather)
12:00 pm - Clean-up
12:30 pm - Lunch