The people of Ukraine are under siege. Violence is escalating with devastating loss of life. In some areas, water, electricity, and phone connectivity have been affected. People are taking cover from the shelling in basements and bomb shelters, but are struggling to find the most basic supplies, like food and water.
This is Europe's fastest-growing refugee crisis. For those trying to escape, and for those left behind, access to trustworthy information is critical.
BBC Media Action has long-standing established partnerships with independent media outlets across Ukraine. As an immediate response, we have ensured our local media partners can access emergency funding, as they find themselves under attack. This funding is helping to keep essential news operations running so that they can provide crucial information such as where to find safe shelters, medical care and support for displaced persons.
We have also begun Lifeline training. Having the right information in the right moment can make the difference between life and death in a conflict. Our established approach has been used around the world to ensure that journalists and media outlets are sharing the information that audiences require in a crisis, reporting FOR them instead of just ABOUT them. This can include information on access to medical care, shelter, humanitarian aid services and safe and legal migration or asylum procedures.
This is a lifeline for people who are desperate to have the right information to keep their families safe. Please support us.