You can help us reach the £5,000 target we need to fund this state-of-the-art MRI baby incubator for the youngest of heart patients.
Children's Heart Surgery Fund needs £5,000 to complete the funding for this vital and revolutionary incubator - this is the first of its kind in the UK for babies with congenital heart disease and heart MRI imaging.
Experiencing an MRI scan can be traumatic even for an adult. However, for babies and children it can be extremely distressing for the whole family.
To obtain a useful image of a baby's heart requires a general anaesthetic. This carries a risk of cardiac arrest, especially in children with a congenital heart defect.
To avoid a general anaesthetic, some babies have a CT scan instead which uses radiation and is linked to an increased incidence of cancer in adult patients with congenital heart disease.
This new MRI incubator or "baby pod" allows babies to be transported directly from the ward into the MRI department where scans can be conducted free from complications and distress.
We are so nearly there, please help us reach the target!