Donate today and help older people in Camden!
Age UK Camden is at the forefront of supporting older people in the London Borough of Camden. As an independent charity, responsible for raising our own funds, your continued support and donations during these difficult times are helping us keep vulnerable older people safe and well.
Help us make sure we can provide the help they need by supporting our emergency appeal to raise £30,000 to enable us to support all Older People in need in the borough! With nearly 30,000 older people aged 65+ in Camden being told to stay at home, over 10,000 of whom live alone, we know we need to do more to make sure our older community stay safe and well at this time.
We are receiving more than 200 calls a day from distressed older people who don't have enough food in the house. In a response to this we have turned our two sites in the North and South of the borough into hubs. Staff are working 7 days a week, to support those most in need.
Thanks to this Just Giving appeal and the generosity of the community we delivered over 200 emergency parcels in the first week. Every penny donated will help us deliver the increased care and support needed to keep older people safe and well.
Most supermarkets are no longer taking new online accounts and there are no delivery slots available. We have been reassured that this will change over the coming weeks - we have over 150 clients registered with us who are currently unable to secure a delivery slot. This means they and many others are reliant on the food parcels and hot food deliveries.
Age UK Camden is at the forefront of supporting older people in the London Borough of Camden. As an independent charity, responsible for raising our own funds, your continued support and donations during these difficult times are critical in helping us supporting the most vulnerable.
All our staff and volunteers are working hard during these challenging times to alleviate the impact of Coronavirus on older people in Camden, who undoubtedly are living in fear.
Your support at this critical time is extremely valuable and greatly appreciated. Every penny donated will help us deliver the increased care and support needed to keep older people safe.