Potter's Village is in desperate need of a new pick-up truck. The current pick-up truck was second hand and is used daily to support the work of the charity. When the Trustees visited in January they saw the need for a new vehicle and Idah has outlined below some of the ways it is used on a weekly basis. The rural roads are very difficult to navigate and are tough on any vehicle, especially after any rain. Potter's Village needs a dependable and sturdy pickup to cope with them. Ways in which we use our vehicle;
1. Going to communities to visits and assess babies homes at the time of admission and towards the time of resettlement.
2. Resettling babies back to their families.
3. Taking babies to and from hospitals when they are at times referred to hospitals other than PV Medical Centre.
4. Babies are normally transported to court at the time of acquiring care orders. The magistrate always wants to see the babies physically before he grants us the 'care order.'
5. Transports the social workers to communities to follow up cases especially for abandoned babies and at times picking babies from far communities.
6. Transporting the psychiatric nurse and social worker during home visits and treatment for Psychiatric mothers.
7. It is also used for shopping for baby products and food.