Thanks for supporting us via our new campaign. We've recently spent a lot of time refreshing our website, and thought we'd arrange a fresh new Just Giving campaign to go along with it!
Who is Aoife Flanagan?
The name Aoife (pronounced 'Ee-fa'), Gaelic in origin, is derived from the Irish word 'aoibh', meaning 'beauty'. According to Irish legend, Aoife was the greatest female warrior in the world.
Aoife Flanagan was born on 21st January 2016. True to her name, Aoife was a real-life 'warrior princess' beating meningitis at just 6 weeks old.
Aoife fully recovered and went on to live a full life. She spent the majority of her days playing with her Mummy, Eilish, Mummy's horse, Argy, and Aoife's prized possession, her miniature Shetland pony, Bubbles.
Aoife should have grown up. She should be here now.
Instead, she will be forever 3.
Aoife became unwell in 2019 and, despite more than 10 trips to GPs & A&E, her diagnosis came far too late. Aoife was diagnosed with Germ Cell Cancer on 2nd July 2019. She passed away on 7th July 2019 in her mummy's arms.
She didn't get a fair chance.
Aoife's Bubbles Charity was born from this, the ultimate loss of a child.
Our main aims are:
1. Increase awareness for Germ Cell Cancer, and all childhood cancers - both among members of the public and healthcare professionals, to improve diagnosis times.
2. Provide acts of joy and opportunities for respite for children with cancer and their families, as well as providing general support throughout their cancer journey.
3. Support the Insitute of Cancer Research. We recently supported their eSMART trial to find targeted treatment options for children & will be supporting their latest research into liquid biopsies for less invasive diagnosis options.
I'm just a normal mummy. Everything I do is for Aoife's legacy, and to prevent another child from going through what Aoife did. Childhood cancer isn't rare, and you never think it will happen to your child, until it does.
For more information about us, or any of Aoife's missions, please visit our website or contact us.