Anna Brodrick has been training hard for a Half Ironman that she will participate in on 2 June. A half Ironman, also known as "70.3", is a long-distance triathlon race. The total distance of the race is an incredible 70.3 miles (113.0 km), consisting of a 1.2-mile (1.9 km) swim, a 56-mile (90 km) bike ride, and a 13.1-mile (21.1 km) run taking in total around 6 hours. Anna is currently training about 10.5 hours per week, this will steadily increase over the next month up to 15 hours.
At Central, the dance training students receive is of elite standard but to get ‘the edge’ for our dancers they also need to work hard on their overall strength and fitness through a well-structured programme of exercise. This will help to set them apart from others but also increase the longevity of their careers by reducing the risk of injury. Anna would love to provide additional equipment for our students to maximise their time with us at Central and increase the opportunity for them to improve their strength and fitness. Through Anna’s incredible determination and commitment to this half ironman challenge we hope to raise funds to purchase additional equipment which will both support dancers through injury and rehabilitation alongside increasing performance, strength, and fitness in all our dancers.
The challenge feels big, and all the support and sponsorship will drive me on to achieve the goal of swimming, cycling, and running, nonstop full out for about 6 hours! Over the next few weeks I shall focus on increasing my training load, adding in brick sessions (run off the bike…really horrible on the legs), looking at my nutrition especially whilst on the bike (eating whilst exercising hard is very difficult without being sick!), getting as much sleep as possible to recover, avoiding alcohol, all whilst working full time and looking after my young family. If you can spare a little money to help our dancers at Central achieve their very best, I would be very grateful, and I am very sure they will be equally grateful. ~ Anna Brodrick